Boathouse in Muskoka Mist

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foggy lake boathouse in Muskoka winter morning mistThis very thick fog was seen on a mild late winter day down at one of the local lakes. Winter lake fog is always interesting to see. On this occasion the sky above was clear, visibility in town and everywhere else was clear too, but thick blankets of fog lay over the sheltered lakes and ponds. This one was so heavy I could only see the frozen surface of the lake within about 20 feet of me. Beyond that the lake vanished into fog.

It felt disorienting, in a fun way, to be able to see but not discern any direction, distance or surface. The only thing to be seen was anything tall enough to rise above the fog, such as the trees on high ground. The boathouse here faded in and out as I tried to take the photo. Not only was visibility reduced but thick fog like that swallows up sound too, and perhaps time as well. It was nice to go into that peaceful fog bubble for a while, not see or hear much, before returning to town where everything carried on as usual.

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